Ever since I can remember, I have been surrounded by creativity. Whether coloring with my Mother, watching her create crafts, or seeing her whip up my Halloween costume… my world was full of whimsy and that creative spark. Once I had my son, Leo, I knew I wanted to create that same magic for him. Fresh into motherhood, I dove into many parenting and childhood development books. Soon I became overwhelmed with the number of subscriptions and endless toys. It all seemed so wasteful to me, especially when my son was more interested in the box than the toy itself. This sparked an idea…why not play creatively while also being resourceful. I began brainstorming ideas on how I can create activities for my son that are not only fun but also aid his development while keeping costs low. Since I have a background in art and have been producing content online for almost 15 years, I decided to share it with others in hopes of inspiring other parents to play creatively with their children while supporting their children's growth. I aim to give parents the tools to feel empowered and happy to play with their children while creating those special moments of magic that have stuck with me forever.
-Tiffy (aka Tiffymama)